“New Construction Pipeline” Will Add Housing in South County in 2024

September 28, 2023
In South King County, a significant “pipeline” of new housing supply projects is coming to the market, and Seattle King County REALTORS® will continue to be very active in monitoring the progress, and working to ensure the supply reaches the market expeditiously:
Lakepointe MPD
We anticipate the first 1,500 certificates of occupancy will be issued next year, and we will be active supporters of bringing those additional housing units to market as quickly as possible.
Black Diamond
Lawson Hills MPD
Lawson Hills, Black Diamond’s second Master Planned Development—which SKCR has been supporting since 2009—has finally broken ground for infrastructure, and construction has begun on the fire station. Previously (in connection with the companion Ten Trails MPD) opponents filed unsuccessful appeals during the build-out. If that happens with Lawson Hills, we will seek to oppose meritless claims, and advocate for the hundreds of new homes to be built expeditiously.
Mountain View Preliminary Plat (Ten Trails MPD, Phase 1)
Clearing and grading at the Mountain View plat is nearing completion as construction of infrastructure begins under a Mitigated Determination of Non-Significance that was issued June 7. There are no sensitive areas, or sensitive area buffers, located within the project site which consists of 54.65 acres that will be divided into 261 lots, and constructed in phases.
Plans for the project include:
- 233 single-family residential lots that will range in size from 1,040 SF to 6,930 SF, with an average lot size of 2,829 SF, providing for a variety of attached and detached units.
- 25 multi-family lots
- 3 commercial lots will comprise approximately 220,000 SF, with 180,000 SF of retail space and 40,000 SF of office space. A portion of the office space includes a location for a new city campus.
- Approximately 3.61 acres of open space will be provided in tracts within the proposed subdivision, which will consist of a neighborhood park, open space trails, and landscape uses.
Federal Way
Middle Housing in south Federal Way
We will continue to be of available to assist Councilmember Jack Dovey and his colleagues identify opportunities to add “Gentle Density” and “Middle Housing” south of Downtown. In addition, the city plans additional development—a new public market, housing, etc.—on vacant land adjacent to the new Performing Arts and Events Center.
Maple Valley
The City has conceptual and legal approval for a New Downtown on one of the last large undeveloped parcels of land in the city. After 4 years of planning and deliberation, the Council adopted development and design guidelines, and the multi-year moratorium on development was lifted July 5. SKCR will continue to monitor this “New Downtown” project closely as it begins to come-out-of-the-ground in 2024. The City’s new “Downtown” will offer housing, retail, commercial, civic uses, and public open space connected by trails.